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We go to RemaDays in Warsaw

The next RemaDays Warsaw fair will take place in less than 4 months. The recently concluded RemaExtra exhibition has confirmed the strength of the advertising industry, the need for face-to-face meetings and the desire to grow. We, as organizers, will do our best to make the February issue unique. The past year has shown that you need to be prepared for testing. Therefore, it is worth opening up for new things, for what the future will bring. Today we enthusiastically invite you to take part in the International Exhibition of Advertising and Printing RemaDays, which will take place from 16 to 18 February 2022 at the Ptak Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn.

The September issue of RemaExtra showed that visitors from Poland and Europe, who came in such large numbers, are constantly looking for inspiration, conversation and face-to-face meetings. That’s why we’re rolling up our sleeves and doing our best to prepare well for the next release of RemaDays Warsaw. We are ready to organize one of the largest advertising and print exhibitions in 2022. We want to support the industry and can ensure that, despite various constraints, the exhibition offer remains high.

The next issue will be held under the slogan WeCreative. Open to new things. The exhibition, scheduled for February 2021, could not take place due to the situation of a large-scale pandemic. The upcoming release of RemaDays Warsaw will provide an opportunity to present completely new ideas and challenge yourself in the coming months. We also focus on creativity, which is indispensable in the advertising industry. Every year, exhibitors try to meet the high expectations of visitors, and of course, at the beginning of next year, each side will be happy again. Reality has shown that even in difficult times, the industry is doing well and is looking for new creative solutions. That is why during RemaDays Warsaw 2022 we are open to new products and ideas from industry representatives. We hope that creativity will lead the way for everyone involved in the event.

It is becoming clear that the exhibition will generate great interest from the entire industry. After all, it is here that you can get acquainted with products that are at the highest world level. It is at RemaDays Warsaw that we can learn about the latest production technologies associated with widely understood advertising.

Preparations for the show are already underway, and we are doing our best to meet the entire advertising and print industry in February 2022 to see how creativity can respond to the challenges of a changing market. Meet RemaDays Warsaw 2022!