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We create exclusive products that inspire people and help express their individuality.

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ul. Tytusa Chałubińskiego 8
Warszawa, 00-613 Polska
+48 577 037 263

The notebook is a key tool of our time

The notebook is by far one of our most advanced inventions in history, and because of its long history, it is an enduring element in the here and now. It contains a certain potential that is absolutely relevant now in the digital age.

Notebooks give us time to reflect and collect our thoughts and ourselves

They provide a very characteristic writing experience:
attentiveness, time for reflection and collecting your own thoughts. Opening a notebook can have the same slowing down effect and sharpening of the mind as when flying an airplane: you are in motion, but at the same time you are sitting motionless in a chair, concentrated and alone. The immediacy with which sentences, pictures, short notes are transferred to paper, have a very individual characteristic style of handwriting, drawn pictures, focus subjective experience and your own awareness.

Unsurprisingly, many notebook owners have fondness for their analog store of ideas. None of them want their own story or important information or secret to appear and be stored in cracked monitors and battered keyboards. Notebook love is an intimate, lasting love and should not be published or shared.

This is your space – built to last.